Brilliant Stainless Steel Sink Care & Maintenance

How to "Care and Maintain" your Brilliant Stainless Steel Sink

  • The best form of maintenance is frequent, regular cleanings. A little bit of cleaning on a regular basis is preferable to a major cleaning on a irregular basis.

  • The best method of preventative maintenance is to ensure that the sink is clean, dry and exposed to room atmosphere when not in use. Rinse and towel dry the sink after each use in order to minimize major cleanups, keeping it shiny and relatively free of water spots. This is particularly appropriate where water may have a high mineral content.

  • Should a mineral deposit build up over time, it may be removed with baking soda and white vinegar followed by flushing the surface with water.

  • To clean your sink, use the mildest procedure that will do the job effectively.

  • On the mirror finish deck we recommend using either a liquid detergent or metal polish or with a soft cloth. DO NOT USE ANY ABRASIVE MATERIALS ON THE MIRROR FINISH.

  • Inside the sink bowl we recommend using a mild abrasive cleanser.

  • Always rinse the sink thoroughly after using a cleaning agent, and wipe the sink dry to discourage any water spotting.

  • Any cleaning or scrubbing to remove stubborn stains from the inside of the sink bowls, should follow the direction of the grain line. Any scrubbing across the grain will show as a scratch. Scrubbing in the same direction as the grain will blend in any surface scratches.


  • Steel wools pads should never be used to clean your sink as they will leave a residue of small iron particles. They may not be readily visible, but they most certainly will lead to rusting and corrosion of the sink. 3M ScotchBrite scouring pads are available for this purpose.

  • Do not leave any mild steel or cast iron cookware or implements anywhere on the sink for extended periods of time. The combined presence of iron and moisture with stainless steel can only lead to staining of the sink.

  • Do not leave rubber dish mats, wet sponges, or cleaning pads in the sink overnight as they will trap water which could lead to staining and discoloration of the sink. The unique properties of stainless steel are dependent upon exposure of the surface to the atmosphere.

  • Chlorine bleach will attack the stainless steel and may cause pitting (blackening or rusting effect). The risk of damage is proportional to the concentration of the chlorine and the duration of exposure between the sink and the chlorine agent. Some bacterial soaps may contain chlorine compounds: Always dilute any antibacterial product used and wipe up any spills. Avoid using bleach or products containing chlorine content.

  • Any accidental contact of the sink with photographic chemicals or soldering fluxes should be addressed by an immediate rinsing and cleaning of the sink.

  • Certain foods such as pickles, mayonnaise, mustard, and high acidity content can cause pitting of the sink surface if left unattended for prolonged periods.

  • Any drain cleaning products containing sulphuric or hydrochloric acid will attack the sink.

  • Do not use your sink as a cutting surface.


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